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DV8 Offroad Rear Bumper

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43950000 ENTRIES

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DV8 Offroad Rear Bumper

0 reviews
43950000 ENTRIES


Introducing the new Spec Series line of bumpers from DV8 Offroad. This high clearance Jeep Rear Bumper was designed for aggressive rock crawling. It was designed with an ultra-low profile that offers rear end protection and a multi-faceted, stylish look. Two clevis mounts that take ?? D-ring shackles provide recovery options. Towards either end of the bumper are mounting points for a 3-inch light pod for supplemental trail lighting.


Description_DEF Bumper
Description_DES Rear Bumper
Description_EXT Rear Bumper
Description_INV DV8 Offroad Rear Bumper
Description_MKT Introducing the new Spec Series line of bumpers from DV8 Offroad. This high clearance Jeep Rear Bumper was designed for aggressive rock crawling. It was designed with an ultra-low profile that offers rear end protection and a multi-faceted, stylish look. Two clevis mounts that take ?? D-ring shackles provide recovery options. Towards either end of the bumper are mounting points for a 3-inch light pod for supplemental trail lighting.
Description_SHO Rear Bumper

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